2023.10.08 (Sun) 9am & 10:30am
Missional Covenant Sunday with Bishop Peggy Johnson
I am excited to have the Missional Covenant Sunday with Bishop Peggy Johnson at West Scarborough UMC and Cornerstone UMC on October 8, 2023. Bishop Johnson will share how wonderful our lives are as the people of Covenant and what benefits and blessings Covenant Relationships provide and nurture our lives as the people of Covenant.
Missional Covenant Relationships
Especially as we listen to Missional Covenant Relationships, I am very excited for my church families to rediscover the Ultimate Calling of God for the People of God as the People of God Called To Be Sent. Why do we experience boredom or feelings of loss on our journey? We might lose focus on God's ultimate calling of Missional Covenant Relationships.
Dear Bishop Peggy Johnson,
Thank you so much for visiting our church families and sharing the Spirit of God in you with us. I hope and pray that your presence and visit will bless all my church families's hearts, minds, and souls on October 8, 2023.